Live Demo: Cookie Consent Manager

Thursday, July 23rd, 2015 at 10:00 AM PT / 1:00 PM ET

Cookie Consent Manager provides the leading EU Cookie Directive solution designed for legal, privacy, marketing, IT, information security, and
compliance professionals within enterprise brands, publishers and
website operators.

Our online portal helps you deliver a consumer-friendly customizable user interface for informed consent regarding the collection and use of personal information.

Join us for a demo and learn more about:

  • Easy-to-use self-service portal for simple reporting and maintenance 
  • Customization of consent notice, interface, and messaging
  • Enhanced views for consumers to identify which advertisers are behaviorally targeting them
  • Options to integrate directly with tag management platforms such as Signal. TRUSTe also supports Google, Adobe, Tealium, and Tagman

Then stick around so we can answer any question you have.

Register today to watch Consent Manager live>>


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